What to wear on Safari
So, I've been trying to figure out what to pack that will fit in a 32"x 14" duffle bag (with no wheels). We are starting our trip at a the Belmont Mt. Nelson hotel in Cape Town. This property has welcomed royalty, rock stars, the rich and famous, and will soon be hosting the likes of me. We will be there for three days. I'm not a snazzy dresser, nor do I have much of a fashion sense, so I'm bringing some black things to wear at night. From there, we head to the game preserves (hence the duffle bags for the small planes that will ferry us to the Safari camps). We have to wear clothing that is not bright (don't want to rile any hungry critters). I have a navy jacket and just learned that dark clothing attracts Tsetse flies. What the?!! That's craptastic. So back to the Amazon shopping board. After a few deliveries, and watching more YouTube videos, I think I may have it sorted. At least a third of my bag will be filled with first aid kit, wipes, pain reli...