It's lovely, isn't it?

 As we fly over the ocean off the African coast, I can see the light of the day from random open windows. People are stirring, and the snoring guy a few rows back has ceased his nocturnal serenade. (thank goodness for earplugs!) We are almost there! 

We had a layover at Heathrow, and my anglophile heart so wanted to stay. Walking down the jet bridge, I felt like I was home. The place of my ancestors.  We walked for miles, looking for the Sofitel (located conveniently in terminal 5) ha! We asked for directions along the way, and were told "just go down a level, make a right turn by the M&S store and you go outside, then you go back inside and down a tunnel to the hotel" (now please repeat that in your best charming British accent!). It was easier said then done, but we made it, and many of us napped in our respective day rooms. 

At check-out time, we trudged through terminal hill and dale to one of the British Airways lounges near our gate. When we arrived, the atmosphere was hushed and mellow. Found a comfy spot near a view of the tarmac and nibbled on little bits of not-sure-what-it-was fare. It was lovely.

Then time to queue up for our 11+ hour flight. The gate agent said "have a lovely time, and as you take this step, remember- you are one step closer to Cape Town!"

Breakfast is about to be served....


  1. Already sounds amazing

  2. Oh my, Kathy I’ve begun to take this trip vicariously through your blog!
    Roy and I loved our week in London 40+ years ago. My dad’s mom and stepdad lived in Capetown for several years when I was very young and I remember receiving light blue aerograms from them!
    I pray that you and John can enjoy many moments there. Vicky C.

  3. I remember now the route to Sofitel . . . funny the things we remember!😊


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